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Update Internationalization settings in self-serve marketplaces

In this release, a new section Internationalization has been added in the marketplace settings that enables users in the self-serve marketplaces to update the following settings:

  • Country of operation and currency - Defines the country of operation and the currency. The country of operation drives the default currency of the marketplace. The users are allowed to override the currency based on the requirement.

Users can modify the country of operation and currency until they create a product in their marketplace. The setting is restricted to avoid any unintended effects on the existing products.

  • Locales - Defines the locale. The users can add as many locales as they wish to their marketplace. They can also remove locales and mark a locale as default.

Users cannot delete a default locale.
After adding a locale, the users must modify the theme to add new localization strings for the associated locale. Otherwise, the theme will not be displayed correctly (the theme will contain the localization keys instead of the translated labels).

Feature enablement

No feature enablement is required.

Setting enablement

No setting enablement is required.


Refer to Update Internationalization settings.

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